Sunday, 23 December 2007

A Very Merry Xmas to all of you out there in the world

Good morning - I am up and ready for the scrum that we know as Tesco & possibly a little smattering of Sainsburys.

I have to thank you all for your wonderful comments they are truly heartening. At the end of the day its only a house move isn't it - there are people out there with nowhere to live at all and on reflection yesterday when my son and his fiancee visited and we had such a lovely time its easy to see its just not important. I miss him so much - I have a lump in my throat writing this - when do we Mums ever accept our children have moved on and don't need us anymore?? and the answer to that ladies, is 'never'. My heart breaks a little bit when he leaves but he is confident and loving and mature and thats all due to us isn't it................... We were saying at work how we miss their 'little' years so much and then you see them as adults and are so proud - we were all in tears and laughing at the same time mopping up tears - theres nothing like a good cry and now I have just had one now - so better change the subject.

I have to say to you all and I know I have said similar things before but finding you all out there in the ethos has filled a gap I had in my life I of knowing people with the same thoughts, tastes , values and interests. This has been a strange few months with the changes going on at home with the move, Adam moving out, and the horrible time at work as we lost large amounts of salary and colleagues found them set against each other (truly awful). Through all this I have read about your lives and laughed with you all and taken you to my heart.

So I thank you all for being there for me and each other, things are in perspective now and I think I got a bit wrapped up in the whole moving thing- I know it doesnt matter - but we are all home lovers aren't we and they are very important to us. It just feels so strange without my things around me at the moment I know they are only possessions but even David (who is my baby and was 20 yesterrday) said the house didn't feel like ours anymore - this comment from David is a big leap as he normally wants to discuss an exhaust system with you!

Poor Kate has been off work with a really bad bout of tonsilitis and of course as she is temping at the moment she doesn't get paid for sickness and of course the bank holidays that loom. We wont charge her board in January! She is on the mend now, arguing with her fiancee Ross because he bought himself a digital camera yesterday and she got him one for Xmas! I leave them to it, having lost the energy to argue with Xmas looming.

I was in our local garden centre yesterday getting my Mum her annual poinsettia and saw the lovely decs that are still left on the shelves and vowed that I shall be there after the event and buy some new ones for next year ( I do love a bargain) - there are some beautiful ones around this year aren't there and som many of them look vintage. I also found this year a lot of things that you could have out all year. There was also the most beautiful nativity set which I shall look out for first - I really think I need to remind myself sometimes why we are celebrating this event.

Right enough musings I must do my hair and grab a trolley with the multitudes. Have a very lovely Christmas all of you wherever you are. I shall add a picture of my Laura Ashley bargain from 2 years ago - I dont know where it will appear on the blog and will try and add one of my mantelpiece which I decided to decorate last night - even though I said I wouldn't!

Bye - have a lovely friendly family huggy time xxxxxxxx

Wednesday, 19 December 2007

You may consider that these protracted ramblings are a little boring but.........

Todays news is yet more fascinating and unbelievable.......

Once upon at time there was an estate agent who loved lying......

It turns out that when my agents rang this am to tell me that the property with the building regulations query wouldn't be able to be inspected until after Xmas and I completely lost it and told them that was ridiculous and the building inspectors will come out the same day for a matter as urgent as this - it made him phone their agents to ask them to get their act together for the sake of the rest of us in the chain. It was at this point that those agents (they have been the atrociuos ones all the way through) hadn't been quite truthful and there was also another overlooked matter - that our buyers property now turns out be freehold and the 'management accounts' have to be provided before signing can take place!! and guess what they wont be available until after Xmas!.........................What can I say?- our agent has sold two properties on the new estate that the house is on and they havent been leasehold so it is just a pocket of housed that are?? Who knows.......So thats where we stay on this helter skelter of ups and downs.

Would you believe I finally shed a tear at the sheer frustration of it all. Then I left the office for the first time in ages at lunchtime and our phantom solicitor phoned - yes bloggers she does exist. This was to tell me that the transfer deed for our new house needed picking up urgently and returning tomorrow, signed by us. So we have done that. The letter with the papers also said that there are still issues with the 'chancel risk indemnity policy' , so I wrote back tonight and said to avoid any further long protracted discussions between solicitors we will pay for the house we are buying and the house we are selling and LETS GET ON WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Night night its 1205am and tomorrow I have the day off work to do some shopping...........

Tuesday, 18 December 2007

A 'maybe' date!!!

We signed our contract yesterday - they sent it in the Xmas post! I have always been and signed at the solicitors office in the past - but hey - lets not have any contact eh??
We found out that the 'issues' that our buyers, buyers are having is that they don't appear to have buildig regs for their extension and they are now awaiting a mortgage amendment letter which they also need before they can sign! This means that the 4th January can only be the DATE if they sign before Friday am.

So - we cant arrange anything yet and most people will close on Friday so I just hope if it is the 4th we get chance to arrange a van. The gas etc I can do whilst we are off for Xmas but its the van thats crucial. Weare having a 'man with a van' we shouldnt need the extra man because I have 2 strapping sons but if its the 11th then its not so easy for them to take hols. Hmmm so its a waiting game again.

I saw the lady who wanted to buy our house intially she has moved to a lovely victorian Terrace next to where I work. She was a little offhand with me at first - but when I said we were still trying to move she was very angry - she hadnt viewed anywhere else but ours until the agents finally said ours was gone but she had no idea that the agents had said she was ' too far down the line' when our chain fell apart earlier. She was furious as she had said they must let her know if anything happened with ours. She had had to find somewhere else but even her sale wobbled seriously at the end. They had a date to complete and two days before, they discovered that her buyers solicitor hadnt realised that her buyers cash which was in a trust fund and needed a weeks notice to withdraw the cash so the whole thing had to be put back a week. Why can't these professionals get it right. Anyway she parted amicably but so mad that she had missed our house (its in the village where her Mum lives and now she has to use the car ot see her every day instead of walkng about 600 yards) I don't know whether she will ring the agents to give them a rocket. Actually I would have loved the house she has bought but it only had a courtyard and thats what put us off.

We spoke to our seller last night and he is OK with either dates so lets see...............we are buying his dishwasher (now thats going to be a new experience!!) if his wife agrees and visiiting a couple of days before to get instructions on the ghost carp he is leaving in the pond etc

Sunday, 16 December 2007

Merry Xmas!

An unfestive picture but just noticed this picture as I was looking at the ones I have taken to add to the my blog and thought how lovely the colours are - these are my Lauras Ashley Arundel curtains in the bedroom - I am taking them with me - the chair is one of the pair I have recently had upholstered.

Now for Xmas!

Not a very exciting tree this year I'm afraid but it looks pretty in the corner of the lounge - I am regretting saying I would leave my curtains now! they are 3.5widths and 89 drop so they would have gone somewhere in the new house and now we find our sellers are taking all theirs which they said they were leaving - I didnt like them but they would have tided me over until I have some chosen. Anyway back to the tree! I made myself put only the red things on this year and I have packed up the other ornaments - Having taken a photo of it it looks rather bare but never mind. Do you like my wall decoration - I wanted these (there are two) for ages about three years ago - they were in our local department store and they finally reduced them on Xmas Eve to £9.99 each so I decided they had been waiting for me and bought them. I am just going to put my swag on the fireplace and that'll do for this year. Now we might have a date we have realised how many things we havent even looked at packing yet. So I have made myself a list so I do at least one thing every night - well one Xmas job and one moving job! That will mean one drawer sorted or cupboard each night and one Xmas chore like wrapping some pressies. Just got to finish the cards - I did some last night until 'Hope and Glory' finished - I love that film - especially the house on the river and there are loads of pre-war semis to look - just think next time I see it on the tele I will be in one.......................can't wait. Went to town and forgot to go to L Ashley - can't believe it. After seeing Lucy Blooms bargains I meant to go. We used to call in most days in our lunch hour but we havent really been out much at the moment - we have all been taking minimum lunch hours so we can build our flexi to do shopping nearer the time. I know I can make curtains but it would be nice for someone to take on the job for a change - have just met a friend in Sainsbury's who had some made and she will give me her number. I am hoping to find something in the LA sale - I say that flippantly - I am the world's worst procrastinator - I am totally incapable of making a decision on fabric for myself. I used to go with people to choose fabrics and styles etc when I made soft furnishings at home but not for myself........I think its because I want things like that (ie big purchases) to last for some years and I dont want something I will tire of. I love William Morris classics but the trouble is that there is too much choice out there now. Right must go and get some chores done. Festive greetings to you all x
PS I can never get my photos to add where I want within the blog ?? They always go to the top of the blog - any hints on how to have more control over them??

Friday, 14 December 2007

Dare I say a date is in sight???.................

Had a call from the estate agent who said that the first time buyers have signed and he was ringing round checking everyone had signed or was about to! He asked me to contact my Sol and ask if we could sign on Monday, Tuesday at the latest so everyone could complete on 4th January - Yes bloggers a date looms................................

So I rang and was told how busy they all are on a Friday because everyone wants to get sorted on a Friday - excuse me thats what we pay your bloomin bills for! She suggested that I email my sol as she was out at lunch till 2pm (this was well before 1pm!) so they must have been very busy.......
Anyway I emailed explaining what had been said by the agents and asking if she had resolved the 'chancel liability' problem - at 3.30pm nothing - the agent rang again and said that one of the vendors (the ones who were late getting their mortgage when we assumed they had it all sorted) could not possibly sign and complete on that date as they had outstanding issues - the agent said he thought that meant - "we arent prepared to rush anything for you lot!" Anyway it is left that those peoples agent will try and find out what the hold ups are on Monday and hopefully our solicitor will eventually find out who is paying this ruddy chancel money and we may sign on Tuesday?? Who knows......still 4th Jan would be great. So cross everything you have two of and lets hope it happens. Yip - thats not a full yippee just a tentative one!!

PS we finally got the form our sellers had signed showing what they are leaving after 4 letter requests, two emails and then a phone call from hubby this afternoon. Obviously they only answer to requests from men!

Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Update on the non-move!!

On Friday we had a letter from our solicitor asking us to send a copy of the survey report to her so our seller's sol can see it (we had written on 21st November with some queries raised by the survey a friend did verbally for us and our seller rang straight away and discussed the queries - we were happy with the answers and thought that our solicitor had been informed by his!! - never assume - so thats over three weeks to respond from our solicitors - can they not phone or email - are they allergic to these methods??

So, we spoke to our seller again on Sat am and he agreed to chase his sol. on Monday am. We discussed the problems we have had with mortgages and chains etc etc and he said he would write and ask for completion asap as he may lose his rental property if he can't sign for it soon and it has to be still available for others to rent until then. Anyway I mentioned the ludicrous 'potential chancel repair' indemnity to him and he said he hadn't heard of it so I explained it. He couldn't believe it.

So off we went to Alan's Mums and on our return we found another letter from our sol. She said that as our seller would not agree to pay the chancel indemnity for us she had notified our buyers sol that we would therefore not pay for theirs as we would have to pay for two policies. She has also said we won't pay for the planning indemnity as the sun room is so old etc etc. - which is fine. She then told us that our buyers are signing on Thursday but their sol says no completion before Xmas and would we agree to completion in the New Year! What else did she expect us to say ??

Anyway as you can see the two versions of our sellers thoughts on the chancel repair appear to differ! I have written again and asked her to clarify the situation and if possible do it by phone then maybe we can sign this week as well - nothing! the line of communication has gone dead again. I also asked for the third time if we could have a copy of the form showing what our sellers are leaving.

So it's official bloggers - we are here for Xmas. S0 I have had a deep and meaningful conversation with Alan. I have put our old artificial Xmas tree on freeserve tonight (we intend to get a new in the sales!! after we saw the bargains last year) and we will buy a small real one and get the bloomin thing up - I am unwrapping some decs and lets get some festivity into the house!

We are putting back some pics at the weekend and I am happy! ( Alan will get a surprise when he sees some decs he doesnt know we have) - I am going for greenery as well and them most of the decs can stay packed - we'll just do the lounge.

My Mam and Dad have also decided to come for Xmas dinner so we will get out the garden table and add it to our little one we have left. Ho Ho Ho - Christmas is coming to Mill Hill....................................the fact that the glasses are packed and the spare knives and forks!! - I have even done some online shopping tonight and will finish at the weekend on our local shops - cant face the towns now - they will be heaving.

So all I want for Xmas is (not front teeth I have my own!) a letter giving an invitation to sign our contract, a completion date and a form showing what we are being left..............Felicitations of the seasons to all of you xxxxxxxxx

Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Update on move of the century!!

This is a copy of emails sent and received today re 'the move' - enjoy!

Monday email to my agent - Hi Stuart - Here is my weekly request for an update on the progression (or not ) of the chain!

Tuesday am reply - Hi Mrs M - I wasn't in the office yesterday, I've just spoken to Y*** Move and they are coming back to me when they have chased the First Time Buyer Kind Regards

Tuesday am from me - Thanks Stuart - I was panicking last night when you didnt respond - I thought - he doesnt want to tell me the bad news!! Mind you that might come later this am?? I am absolutely certain this is going to fall through.

Tuesday pm from agent - The First Time Buyer has their mortgage offer and searches have been sent for, so now I'm waiting for R*****s to update me on the next property up the chain to make sure they are all up to date, so I'll let you know later.

Tuesday from agent - The T******* now have a mortgage offer for the purchase of the A********* (our buyers house), so things are moving ahead, slowly. I'll chase again next week about the progress of the searches and the solicitors enquires. Stuart (me - so no rushing about there then - hey whats a week!!!!)

My final reply to Stuart - Thanks very much Stuart - as you are the only person prepared to correspond with me I'm afraid you are the one who's ear is bent!! I wasn't even aware that the T******** didn't have a mortgage offer in place - because they were in the chain before it broke down the first time I stupidly thought that they would have had one ready and waiting! Never assume. I have bought and sold seven houses since 1979 and Alan has bought and sold eight - we have never ever had such an appalling time. This is the 21st century and you would think that communication between all parties involved was using semaphore, pigeons or even smoke signals. We chose our solicitors as you recommended them for their modern approach to conveyancing - I have to disagree with you on that point. It is now two weeks since I answered their latest queries and I don't even get 'thanks for your letter and email' which would take at least 30 seconds of their very expensive time. We do not even know if the information and answers we gave are acceptable yet. If I had known what I know now I would have contacted the R*****s who also wanted our house when we fell at the first hurdle - but you try in this life to be decent and fair to people and the younger couple really wanted our house rub salt into the gaping wound! I see the R***** sale is completed and they will be in, redecorated and cosy for Xmas (can you detect the bitterness in this email??? ) My compliments of the season to you all - I would ask you all for a festive drink but the glasses are packed and the dining table sold!!

Stuarts reply was he would take me up on the drink and we wouldnt need a table - CHEEKY!!

So folks that is the latest in the saga of my life, things are moving very slowly. I spoke to our buyers (wife) and she said ' Oh we signed a paper that goes back to you on Saturday am" !!! I said that sounds like your contract! I explained that we sign our own then exchange them and then decide on a date to move!!

So we wont be in for Xmas - it sounds like our sellers, us and our buyers will be sat with contracts signed and waiting for the others in the chain to catch up.............................

For those who remember I had a bit of a run in with someone at work - well she has resigned and is going elsewhere! So its not all bad news !!!!......................................


Monday, 26 November 2007

Monday update

Asked for an update this am from our agents and still no news on the first time buyers at the bottom of the chain mortgage. All the agent did was reword last weeks answer! So I thanked him for his prompt reply and likened the sale of our house to a Brian Rix farce and explained he wouldnt know what one was but his boss would - I absolutely give up - is it normal to wait four weeks for a mortgage application to be granted?? Anyway enough of this horrible subject.

Today I received a lovely 'thing' off ebay and wanted to share this lady's skills with you bloggers out there. It is a reversible 'box' bag made from lovely fabrics. The photos on ebay dont do it justice. It was £9.99 plus p&p ann I think a good buy. Her ebay tag is 'annie_linen' worth a look.

Nothing more to report off to look at Laura Ashley 1990 - yummy

Friday, 23 November 2007

Friday update...................

Alan had a call from the guy whose house we are buying - his wife had opened the letter asking about the pointing on the chimneys and two other queries and they were panicking - thinking that we wanted to pull out of the purchase - Why ?? we were only asking questions about work on the property we are buying! which is quite normal. Alan assured them that it was the opposite and we wanted to get in asap but there were hold ups with our buyers etc etc. The guy has already signed his contract and is talking about the 10th December!! Where are the communications in all of this?? What are we paying for?? We are not prepared to tell him how many hold ups there are to date - he will be appalled as he obviously thinks hes on the home straight. I said to Alan we are paying these agents and solicitors a fortune - its up to them to communicate with each other and keep all of their clients informed of progress etc. We havent even had copy of the form saying what he is leaving in the property yet and he has signed his contract - now thats not on is it!!

I have been to an away day with work today - I hate them - such a lot of money when so many people have lost some of their salary - its insulting. I come back cross at the expense as they are always held at expensive venues with speakers - who were probably getting more for a couple of hours than I get for a month. Its insensitive - especially having these speakers when you work for local government where you cant be innovative and telling you to go and get the sort of life you want etc etc when you just cant do things like that when you have bills to pay etc

I am going to go and sink myself into a nice home mag with a cup of tea - I dont really enjoy alcohol, even wine which gives me indigestion but sometimes I think I should have some to get my shoulders down.

Whoops nearly forgot to tell you about my LA catalogues - I went onto ebay, put a starting bid of £19.99 hoping to put people off buying them and then reduced the sale to 3 days and then added that I had them advertised elsewhere and reserved the right to with draw if I sold them. I didnt know that sentence was against ebay rules and when I got home that night ebay had removed them !! How lucky is that - so come here back to mummy.........I made the mistake with my portmeirion I am not making it again !

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

More misery today from the solicitors..............

For all you people snuggled and happy in your homes - DO NOT ATTEMPT TO MOVE!!

Guess what it turns out that our house has a 'potential' Chancel Repair Liability on it. They want us to pay for an indemnity for the purchasers for £170.88 which is more than I expected. I have also discovered that the above law only came in for 10 years and expires in 2013 so why do we have to cover our buyers for 25 years? We are also told that the property we are buying has the same thing and they have to buy one for us. I have asked how much theirs will be and how they arrive at the figures. Update - my friend moved onto the smae road last year and this wasnt raised then,

Our buyers solicitors want the dimensions of the sun room so that they and the buyers can make their own assessment as to whether or not planning permission would have been required. The solicitors feel that building regs should have been obtained and therefore are asking for another indemnity policy for lack of building regs at our cost (no figure stated)

I have spent two hours on the internet and composed a long letter - I cannot see how we can get away with the Chancel thing but I am not happy about the building regs issue. Apparently the new regs only came in in 1991 and the sun room was built in 1966!! The worst thing is why wasnt it spotted when we bought it in 1995 and our seller was still alive to give evidence of when he built it etc. I am so angry - I couldnt even eat (yes ladies not even chocolate!) its now 11.30pm I am off to bed to not sleep!

NB The only good thing today happened when two of the re-enactors we met in Whitby came to collect Alans Dads army uniforms which we offered them for their group to wear. I had the girls email from when I sent her my WRAF beret. What lovely people, we instantly liked them and we had a lovely chat - I think we might be convinced to go to one of the do's and wander around in the clothes. Now how about that for true vintage!!

Anyway I guess we wont hear anything from the solicitors till next week, even though my answer will be in the letterbox in the morning by 8am

Night night - tonight we feel like staying where we are..........................

This is an update at lunchtime on Thursday - Alan went to the Planning Dept and they said they have no right to query the planning or building regs after 10 years and he laughed when Alan said he was referring to a 'sun room' built in 1966. So I have emailed the solicitor as an update to the letter they got this am and told her what we have been told. I ended my email by saying I was not making a facetious statement but seriously felt it might be better if removed the walls, windows and roof and simply left them with a patio area where the sun room once stood. If they still want an indemnity after all this I am inclined quite honestly to say 'stuff it' we will stay where we are................. I know they want our house badly so maybe they will think lang and hard at that point.

Monday, 19 November 2007

A miserable update on the move.........

I got in touch with the estate agent this afternoon after giving up on the solicitor ringing me. Not good news - it is now 3 weeks since we had the new first time buyer at the bottom of the chain. They have still not got the results of the mortgage valuation and mortgage application back - Why ? we are told continually that the market is at a standstill?? What are they doing at the building society? Their solicitor had advised them not to pay for the searches until they get a letter from the building society. So things do not bode well for a December move if their searches havent even started yet.

Then I went to Tesco to do my shopping (didnt get there over the weekend!) and our buyer was there working - I showed her the email so she is up to date and then she said they had had a letter from their solicitor saying that their buyer has only just paid the search money so their searches havent been started either!

So tonight we have decided to stop packing put some pics back on the wall and batten down the hatches for a few weeks. I can at least grieve for my Laura Ashley catalogues - in fact I think may have to have a look through them - if there are no bids I am going to keep them forever.............and ever..............

Alas! I am bereft.............

I have had traumatic weekend packing and parting with stuff. My 23 Laura Ashley catalogues from 1990 to 2007 are on ebay! The pile of packed boxes were just getting ridiculous - we are after all downsizing - so - I very bravely opened all the banana boxes I have packed with books - eight in all - and went through them all asking myself what would I really read again - trying to be honest with myself. I am just a hoarder - I confess - and getting rid doesnt come easy. However I managed to lessen the boxes by 3. Some have gone to my friend and the rest were put on Freecycle yesterday - a guy emailed straight away and said he was very interested. I had said there were housey books, non fiction, paperbacks, almost new hard backs etc - it was a fantastic chance. He wanted me to deliver and I said I would within the town area - he didnt reply until very late saying he wouldnt bother! So Alan took them to a little used off the High Street charity shop - Yorkshire Cancer Research - run by some nice ladies - they can have them - some are good enough to be given as presents. I got rid of lots of stuff on Freecycle over the weekend and some will go this evening. I am however not over the LA catalogues - perhaps noone will want them and I put 'pick up only' as they will cost a fortune to post so that lessens the amount of takers. Heres hoping for a bidding war!!

We had a survey done on the house last week and it needs some repointing on the chimneys and ridge tiles and the damp course needs to show two courses of bricks not one. I have sent a letter to the solicitors stating what was found and a few questions that the surveyor feels should be answered. I rang the sols this am to say we had dropped the letter in and could we have an appointment to see her. She seemed very taken aback that we wanted to and asked why. I said well to see where we are at , when the date might be, etc etc. She said she would read our letter and then get back to us. That was 4 hours ago!! We havent a clue what is happening with the move no-one seems to know anything. So I guess we will just carry on packing and packing........and packing.............

I had a lovely rendezvous with Mrs Nesbitt - for a cup of tea - what a lovely lady - we had a natter over a very expenisve cuppa! but the surroundings were lovely and a bit later on in the same venuwe I met 13 ladies I used to work with in the School Dental Service - its about 18 years since I saw most of them - it was so lovely and we are doing it again in a few months. The only problem was they were nearly all retired and having a wonderful time - which made me envious,

Right must go - this was just a quickie - I shall post some photos of my boxes next time - riveting eh!!

Friday, 9 November 2007

Still here - still packing - the sequel !!

Up early today to take my son to do overtime - done ironing, done online banking - reward is cup of tea and a blog at 7.40am - then packing........................................

We had a letter from the solicitor on Thursday with queries from our buyers solicitors- that took me all Thursday evening to sort out. When we moved in there was a conservatory on the side of the house over the kitchen door (described by us in the agents details as a garden as it is not grand like some conservatories are now) This was of brick construction with mouldy, green windows on top and an old plastic roof. The 'egg lady' who used to come told me that her Mum had lived opposite us from the bungalows being built in 1963 and the addition was made a few months after the bungalow was completed. We didnt need planning in 1996 when we changed the wood for upvc and added a new roof. The sol's are now querying why a 'garden room' is in the agents details when it is not on the deeds. The thing is it didnt need planning in 1963 so the deeds wouldn't have been changed and why didn't our sol's query this in 1995 when we bought the house?? Anyway the neighbours who bought the egg lady's mums house have said they will verify it has been there since they moved in 29 years ago! We also have the agents picture when we bought in 1995 and it shows it clearly on there.

We then discover that we will have to take an indemnity policy out for our buyers in case the vicar ever decides to come and claim money from them as noted in the deeds. This is I believe £58 and covers them for 25 years. When we moved to our previous house in 1990 there were no probs then when we left it in 95 to come here all of a sudden it was discovered that the previous owner didnt have planning for his garage and wayleave. So we had to pay for retrospective planning for it. Now why wasnt that spotted when we bought? There is no consistency in this is there.

When we filled in the form about the property it also asks if there has been any disputes about the boundaries - so as we had a solicitors letter from the neighbour who lives behind us but who's drive is at the side of ours we knew we had to mention it. As it had a land registry stamp on it we thought well they will see that there was an enquiry to the registry we had better be honest. Mrs C died about 3 years ago and the property was sold and no one ever came and queried the boundaries.

These are all things that hold up the process - I asked a lady down the road who moved in recently and their seller had to pay the indemnity policy of £58 to ward off the vicar!! She also had to pay £75 for another policy because the council had no record of planning for her conservatory even though it wouldnt have needed it in case they decided at a later that the may query its existence!

So, we are no further on at the moment ! Alan is up now - so we had better get started

Monday, 5 November 2007

Still here - still packing...............................

Hi just a quick update - no news on the move at all - have to ring the agents dealing with the one we are buying in the morning they left a message saying they have an update. We are having a survey done ourselves for peace of mind. Packed lots on Sunday - didnt get rid of much. Joined Freecycle and have takers tonight for the exercise bike and the Ikea 5 ft bed frame. Thanks Mrs Nesbitt for having the link on your blog - I didnt realise we had a local group - I am sure there will be lots more going on the site before we leave. I have two lovely new blogging ladies on my sidebar for you to visit.

What did everyone think of the remake of a Room With a View then??

Saturday, 27 October 2007

We're Off !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi all - just to tell you this am we got a phone call - the house at the bottom of the chain has been bought by first time buyers (who are renting) so we are off the starting line!!

Just had a break to watch Move Over Darling with Doris Day and now we are off upstairs to start sorting out - Whippeeeeeee.............................

A lot of work has been done already for our buyers and us and for our buyers buyers! So I dont think it will be that long in happening.

Monday, 22 October 2007

The last of the pics!!

Having problems with uploading pics so I am going now - hope you enjoy these so far - will put the rest on later in the week.

These samplers were done for us in 1991 when we married by my Mam and my friend Wendy

Hearts for the Bower Birds in Australia

Decided to carry on whilst Alan washes up!

My lovely glass handle on the shower room door and for Carol a tassle!!

Pics after Tea!!............

This is my printers tray full of lovely bits - lots of metal letters that Alan found in a skip - perfect!
For those who looked at earlier blog pics these are the wardrobes we recently completed in Kates room (see estate agents pics earlier)all in LA duck egg.

This is another little shelf unit - full of vintage again

This the top of the shelves - the faux vine goes round the top of the wall and actually looks good

These shelves are in the garden room as well as you can see I like chickens NB the bottom shelf

The shelf is in my garden room - I love chickens
This a shelf over my kitchen door NB the jugs Claire!!

The chintzy bits are on my windowsill in the bedroom

Some lovely vintage plates - the tiny table and chairs are bakelite and the little flowers are a lovely brooch and earrings from one of those oddments boxes for £2 the lot

My side with books, the alarm clock or we would never get up and you can't see the untidy pile of mags!

This is Alan's side of the bed with his tapes

Here are more 'round the house' pictures

Pics Galore!........................

Time for tea - will post some later in the meantime this is how my husband cleverly incorporated the meter cupboard into the dado and decor! We couldnt work out how to put the dado up the stairs when we did it and then we were watching Groundhog Day and there was the answer so we bunged a tape and waited for it to show again. Theproblem was actually on the opposite side to the cupboard but I havent taken it as it is boring!!
My landing is difficult to explain - we put stairs into a bungalow so the window that was normal in the bedroom downstairs is on the floor of the landing! so I decided to treat the wall as full length it does actuall work well when you see it!!

Lamp on the landing

Car boot bargain - lovely house tapestry

A very old sampler of mine - I love the words they are so true
Chintzy bits on my bedroom windowsill
Botanical pics for Carol to see!! -Laura Ashley calendar pics - used later as paper/fabric by LA
Barbola mirrors aforementioned bargains in another post earlier
Here goes with pics taken today

Flexi Heaven

I am at home today on flexi time that I have acquired so this is sheer heaven I am watching a homes programme on BBC and reading blogs - bliss. We viewed the other semi on Saturday and dont know why we didnt go for it in the first place. We have put an offer in this morning not quite full asking price so we will have to wait now to see what they say. Then we will back out of the other one - its six weeks today and we are no further with the purchase of it and six weeks down the route of selling this one.

Watch this space!

Friday, 19 October 2007


Hi there - I dont think many of us have blogged over the last few days - I have sneaked little looks in my lunch break and its been fairly quiet out there this week. This morning I got a letter for an interview for another job. Its a Ward Clerk in the Stroke Rehabilitation Centre in our local hospital. Actually its based in very old building called the Rutson or it was when I applied for the job - a couple of days later the newspaper announced that it would have to move into the main hospital because of work that was needed to the old building! Anyway I have an interview in couple of weeks time. Less money than I get now (so we need to carry on downsizing!!) but it sounds like a worthwhile place to be working and I think I might like it. I have been at the County Council for 8 years this month and it is not the place it was.... I could go on but I won't. We have arranged a viewing for my second favourite house tomorrow am as it wil be six weeks soon since the people who's house we wanted accepted our offer and they have told the solicitor not to release any papers or start proceddingings yet till they find somewhere. So in the meantime we have merrily going along selling ours. We are convinced they will pull out so we are looking elsewhere - I arent as bothered as I thought I would be about walking away from it. My daughter resigned from her job at the County Council with our blessing yesterday. She is floating she is so pleased she has done it. She is going temping whilst she finds something else. She works very hard in her job and I envy her being able to walk - Yes I know its not sensible but she is too young to be unhappy in her job - she has been there 5 years and has given her best - she is very confident and I dont htink she will have a problem getting something else. I have just got my newly upholstered chairs back last night. They were only cheap and I had coveted the gentlemens chair for a couple of years! then the shop changed hands and it was vastly reduced so I bought it and them found there was another upstairs in the storeroom -it was a matching ladies one. So we got them both for £45 together. They are gorgeous and over the weekend I shall photograph them. I think I have a before photo as well - will check. I have still not started my new Robin Pilcher book - tonight I have to think of the viewing tomorrow! My buyers who lost thier buyers have 3 couples viewing this weekend so fingers crossed.

Saturday, 13 October 2007

Hi Bloggers this has not been a good day for those of us with hot flushes. I spent ages doing my thinning hair this morning and by the time I had had two severe flushes prior to going out, my hair was as flat as a table top - not very flattering when you dont have much on top!!

So apart from the heat - I am a bit peeved today - we took a huge quantity of top quality stuff to Oxfam today - it took two of us two visits to carry it all to the shop. The woman on the counter scowled as we struggled past her and Alan knocked on the door at the end of the shop once we had put it all there and said "Hi just didnt want you to come out and fall over this lot" - she peered at it all and said 'Well I hope there's not electrical items in there". Alan said 'No we know you don't accept them' and she shut the door. No thanks - no nothing! If it hadnt been so damned heavy I would have picked it all up and taken to another one - I don't expect then to fawn all over us but I was taught to say Thank You. This was a middle aged lady who should known better. I am cross! I am going to get my son to add the play list and a blog counter as well. Still no photos taken today - didnt get in the loft but did the big cupboard in my old workroom - called 'the study' by the estate agent!

I keep looking out for the new re issue of the Victoria magazine - did you all know it being reissued?? Has anyone seen it a shop shelf yet? I have about 60 copies of mine and they have no pages missing - which any mag I get my hands on usually does after the third reading. I squirrel away all my coveted houses, rooms, things, ideas..........I have spent the late afternoon and evening sorting out my old workroom cupboard and found the details I have kept from magazines on the house I would have if I won the lottery - its not big- its not posh, it's just simply lovely.

The houses are by Border Oak - and the daughter of the owner of the company has a build diary on the website. Her house has featured in many magazines and I just love the simplicity of it. Her kitchen is so wonderful ( it would look better with my stuff in it! ) if you look on you will end up salivating over the gallery pictures of kitchens they have completed. Right, it is now 11.20pm - time for my bed - its too late to start my Robin Pilcher book - bargain £2.25 dont think its even been opened. Tomorrow I hope to be baking some cakes - I am inspired by all these cupcakes I keep seeing. Night night

Sunday, 7 October 2007

Acers high!! some garden pics

Apparently according to Alan I shouldnt have had the flash on and thats why its too light but as its almost 4pm and I havent even opened the cupboards yet I must press on

This is the arch that goes around to the raised garden at the back and behind the adirondack chair are the steps up to the raised area . To the right is the side window where I took the pix of the garage from
We have a vine in the garden which was covered in black grapes this year so I thought I would take photo of them for you - these are the only ones left I guess I was first after the birds!

This the view from one of the side windows explained below - we had a huge pyracantha along the side of the garage till last year and we couldnt believe how much lighter the garden was when we took it down. The wall underneath was so clean and new looking. We then added some flower beds and they are just establishing themselves now - these pictures are not good at all.

Apologies for the glare from the glass but its raining out there and I have dried my hair!! There is loads of colour out there but its not captured here today - sorry

Its difficult to describe how my garden is positioned - our lounge is at the back and the back garden itself isnt very deep but is raised and the window in the lounge is low so - when you are sitting there you look out and it very close. It gives a good description of a 'picture window'. Anyone coming into the lounge is always wowed by the greenery before them. Its hard to see in a picture but the wall at the front of the raised area was covered by us with ivy two years ago and it looks lovely now its grown. There is a wide path in front of the window where we have a bench and Alan's plant nursery is under the window - there is a french door as well so you can really bring the garden indoors in the summer. There is then a garden to the side again not very deep and there are two more small windows either side of the fireplace that look onto that. All this makes the room very light and green. Alan grew the red acers from the same size as the ones in the pots and finally planted them last year - they are really sturdy specimens now - he is heartbroken to leave them. We have steps leading up to the raised area and we have added trellis to try and make garden rooms as the tele says! The first red acer is in front of the second with a gap of about 7 feet but its hard to see - they just look like one here

I cannot get the text to go next to the pics so here goes again...

This is my nautical corner - the lady is from a Cosmopolitan magazine the the 1920's I think. I bought her already framed - she is so lovely. The little pix are of beaches and were a wedding present. The little boat was bought from a market in Pont Aven - the man made them himself
This lovely set was £3.95 which wasn't a bargain !! when you consider the price of the aqua pieces

Hope this text stays here when I publish the blog - this is the left corner of the sitting room with bakelite items and Alan's collection of military Dinky's - he has collected them all again 'cos him Mum threw his own out when he was a teenager - he was bereft............... The picture which has been spoilt by the light is Grace Kelly, the lady to the right of Grace is June Allyson and then Doris Day and a Busby Berkeley dance picture

Right here goes again with adding the pics to this blog - this is the left side of my fireplace - the framed picture is taken from a Studio magazine and is by May Morris (William's daughter I believe) and I collect the silver topped bottles. How do I get these pictures to go under my writing???? HELP - I think this has goes

More pics around the house..............

Right side of my lounge fireplace - the picture is a pencil drawing and it reminds me of the sands at Saltburn

Two jugs £2.99 & £1.50 and the books to the left were £1.99 each

Can you see all the embroidery?

Here are some more pictures around the house and as close up of Nana's embroidered picture which shows the detail a little better for anyone who might be interested. My downsizing move is now crumbling before my eyes. Our buyers as I said before had a hiccup at the beginning of the week and now their latest buyers have changed their minds and the first time buyers at the end of the chain have pulled out too. So its a stalemate at the moment. What concerns me as well is the fact the our buyers agents still have their property showing today (Sunday) as 'under offer' and it has not gone back on 'Right Move' as available to buy. That is appalling when it has been available to buy since Wednesday am - not a very good service considering how many people now do property searching on the internet.
Anyway back to the current property! here are some pics taken around my home of my favourite things as well as evidence of my latest charity shop finds......................... When these are on today I am going to sort out two cupboards and if I get on well the bathroom drawers. This is not just tidying - this is a 'do I really need this - can someone else use it' situation. I sahll go upstairs and do the bottom of my wardrobe. My son hired a cleaner this weekend to do his car seats so we have cleaned the living room rug, Kate's carpet (the marks of hair dye, tanning solition and goodness knows what else have come off slightly!) and our bedroom carpet. I fell cleansed!

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Nana's Picture & redemption of the charity shops

It has occurred to me that the picture in the previous blog looks lke it was painted - it is in fact embroidered in wools and silks - it is almost 3D to look at and very lovely. I finished work early today ( I can do flexi) and I went to 3 charity shops and scored !! I shall take some photos tomorrow as I must tidy up now. My buyers lost their buyer yesterday but have resold today and there is no chain - so now I am panicking because the people we are buying off havent found anywhere still and now the chain is shorter -----aaaaaargh.............

Monday, 1 October 2007

Whiskers on on my favourite things

Here are some kitty pix

- Phoebe has a sock round her neck to stop her scratching! aren't they lovely....

This house picture is something my Nana did for me a few years ago at the age of about 90 - she died when she was almost 99 - there is another picture but its packed away - this is my favourite - she always painted little pictures on our easter eggs when we little like little swiss mountain scenes...... the blue framed picture below is a jumble sale find - I love what it says - "sometimes at night a star falls and breaks into little pieces - and in the morning we find the gift of Forget Me Nots". The picture of the lady is so beautiful it was a recent ebay purchase for 14.99 - she is so lovely I couldnt believe it when I won her. She will be placed n the new house at the moment she is just propped in the spare room. Sorry the pictures are jumbled its so slow tonight I was just relieved to get them on.

The picture at the top - I am getting in a spin here - cant work out how to add the pictures at the end instead of the top!! - Is my husband's camera collection - mostly off ebay and a couple of charity shops. I sent him to a junk shop last week where I had seen to cameras in a mirrored cabinet - unfortunately when he got there, there was only one camera the other was a reflection!! How embarrassing is that!!??

I will add more tomorrow I am now off to bed to listen to the Paul McKenna weight loss cd's I bought last year and have never listened to but am going to attempt to take on board now - I am not mentioning them again !!

First digi pics attempt and naughty purchase!

Hi to all - I Took lots of pics last night on my own for the first time - fairly pleased with results but daylight might be better as the flash spoils some of them but if I delete them and try again it won't get done! On Saturday I was very naughty and because I had paid my car off last month I went to town late in the afternoon to buy a book as a treat to me! I was extremely bad and have never ever spent so much on a book and its doubtful if I ever will again - I am not checking the price on Amazon and seeing its nowt with free P&P!! I will never repeat the sheer pleasure of handing over the note and walking out of the bookshop with this volume again.

In the last blog I said I would photograph my daughters lovely wardrobes but I forgot. I am also adding the pix of my sons and his fiancee's kittens that we had the eternal pleasure of looking after a few weeks ago - thought you might like to see them - the tabby is Alfie and the white one is Phoebe they are rescue brother and sister. Here goes to my loading attempt..........Whoops pics are on first!! Sorry
I shall post again to put some more pictures on whilst I am on a roll......